How to Get High Grades in Exam - Complete Guide

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How to Get High Grades in Exam 

Dear Virtual University Students, here you can read some important tips and guidelines for getting High grades in Your Mid Term and Final Term Examination.

How to Get High Grades in Exam - Complete Guide 

Tips for Students to Get High Grades in Exam 

  • Plan your activities for Complete semester duration.
  • Set Your target for the High grade i.e You want to get 90% marks. Put All your efforts and Work hard to achieve that target.
  • Keep all the notes, books and handouts ready on very first day of classes and keep them safe for Future use..
  • Make your Daily time table/schedule and Stick to it.
  • Read the lesson from the Book for once before listening from the Video Lectures.
  • Listen to the Video lectures with full concentration.
  • Make your own neat notes for exam preparation.
  • Note down the queries if any during lecture and must discuss with fellow course mates or post them on MDB for better understanding.

Please Try to complete all the assignments by yourself and later You can check for correct solution from your friends,or may be on Virtual Study Solution.
Attempt the quiz by yourself and before attempting the quiz please once again read and hi-light the notes you feel important from questions point of view.
Attempt the GDBs by yourself and then check for its correct Solution / Sample idea as You did in the case of assignments.

You Must pay extra attention to Mid Term exams. Your effort must be to get more than 80% marks in mid term exam. This would be very easy if you stick to your time table through out the Semester because less number of chapters / lessons are covered in Mid Term exams than Final Term exams.

Your study environment must be Fresh , clean, calm and enjoyable so You can understand and learn easily without being distracted.

You Must dedicate at least 4 to 6 hours daily to your studies from Monday to Friday.
You should Enjoy weekends with family to release Stress.

You must also involve yourself in morning / evening games / exercise. As Wise men say: Healthy body has a healthy mind.
Use Sticky Notes and Paste important notes, symbols, formulas and diagrams in front of your study table/bed.

Offer Prayers five times a day.
Remember that there is no short cut to success.
Good Luck and Pray for me too. 
Thanks for Reading

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